Tuesday, July 9, 2013

VCs tip toeing to Med tech start ups after AMA declares obesity as a disease. Obesity market to touch $139 B

VCs tip toeing to Med tech start ups after AMA declares obesity as a disease. Obesity market to touch $139 B

But is it too late for VCs? Many of the clinical stage companies are already funded by boutique investment firms or companies.
BARONOVA got its funding not too long ago.
RESHAPE is on its way to complete its clinical trials
Obalon is San Diego based and has raised capital
Onciomed, Inc based in Irvine is raising Series A or Series B capital

Vivus pharma stock is ticking! Arena's drug is approved.
It seems the FDA is on a fast track for obesity related problems.
Now maybe the NIH may open funds to promote innovation in this space.

VCs may have limited opportunity to jump in!
The problem is profound and options are few this translates to a multi billion opportunity! these investors have been waiting for.
Obesity interventions in early 2000 were too ahead of its time. If companies during that time would have stuck around they would have seen billion dollar exits.

This is an important time in the fight against obesity and diabetes
For the first time there is going to be a Obesity & Diabetes Innovation Summit in Orange County, California in Oct 3-4, 2013. 
10 Medical device and 10 pharma companies will be talking about their innovations in obesity and diabetes. Sponsor companies will get an opportunity to voice their support for obesity.

Who should attend:
 Medical device and pharmaceutical executives, business development executives (tremendous opportunity to partner with young start ups early).
Sponsor companies who are joining the fight against obesity.
Start up companies who can get tremendous visibility to investor and strategic partners
VCs, private investors, PE executives and boutique investment bankers as this new disease classification brings more opportunity in this space.
Doctors, Nutritional experts, medical device, pharma and hospital/healthcare executives, allied health care professionals.

To sponsor, showcase or qualify to present please email a non-confidential company profile to info.odis1@gmail.com
Top 20 in the obesity and diabetes space will be presenting at the innovation summit.

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